The one-day tour starts with a visit to the medieval village of Nazzano; in the morning, at the Visitors Centre the visitors may see a dia-projection about the natural aspects of the area, visit the Eco-museum and navigate into the multimedial programme. In the afternoon, the excursion in the Didactic
Park and the Tevere Farfa Reserve will allow the visitors to know more about the typical vegetation of the humid environment, about the birds which stop along the river and to look for traces left by night mammals.
A preparatory meeting is also foreseen for the schools of Rome.
First Day: Arrival and accomodation in the Guestrooms of the Didactic Park. Naturalistic excursion in the Tevere-Farfa Reservealong the track "la Fornace" with stops for bird watching and study of the vegetation. Collection of samples and data. Packed lunch. In the afternoon, return to the Visitors Centre, snack and analysis of the collected data. Spare time. Supper. Evening entertainment.
Second Day: Breakfast. Naturalistic excursion along the Prairie Track of the Park; stop at the Laboratory of the Visitors Centre and analysis of the collected samples; visit to the Eco-museum. Lunch at the Guestrooms. Thematic workshops. Snack. Brief excursion along the Woods Track in the Park. Spare time. Supper. Evening entertainment.
Third Day: Breakfast; trip to the village of Torrita Tiberina and excursion in the Tevere-Farfa Reserve along the Track "la Mola" on the left bank of the river up to the confluence with the river Farfa. Collection of data and samples. Packed lunch. In the afternoon, return to the farmhouses and snack. Spare time. Supper. Brief excursion to discover the night life in the Park.
Fourth Day: Breakfast; visit to the village of Nazzano. Lunch at the Guestrooms. Final discussion about the observations and the data collected during the School Camp. Return home in the afternoon.
A preparatory meeting is also foreseen for the schools of Rome.
The Didactic Park is the starting point of modular programmes whose aim is the analysis of the ecosystems typical of Lazio.
The modular programmes consist in a two-days workshop and three excursions: the students, by means of chemical analysis, biological sampling, microscopical observations and ecological investigations, come to the interpretation of the balance of the different elements of the ecosystem. The excursions help the students to get in touch with the different expressions of the same ecosystem, determined by climatic, biological or local factors.
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